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Positional Policy

These policies can be suggested by our members and agreed by Guild Summit or via a student vote. These policies are statements of belief or intent on key issues, they can be a statement of the Guild's position, or a commitment to doing things in a certain way or campaign on a particular issue. These policies are made democratically and remain in place for three years until they lapse. See Policy Precedent for lapsed policies.

If you have an idea for a new policy you can make a submission to Change It.


Preferendum Decisions

The following are decisions taken by Preferendum which did not necessarily result in a policy position:

 Date Title  Result
 2021/11  UCU Strike Action Support Yes, Guild should support the upcoming UCU Industrial Action.  
 2021/04   Rename Roscoe & Gladstone Hall Yes, The Guild voted Yes for a brand new name for Gladstone Hall  
 2018/02  Rename Roscoe & Gladstone Hall No, do not change the name but install an informative plaque detailing Gladstone’s politics, good and bad.  
 2017/01  Campaign for students to boycott the National Student Survey Yes, the Guild should begin a campaign for students to boycott the 2017 National Student Survey  
 2015/06 UCU Strike Action Support Yes UCU Strike Action Support  


Referendum Decisions

The following are decisions taken by Referendum which did not necessarily result in a policy position:

 Date Title  Result
 2024/03 BDS Yes  
2023/11 Boycott Bacardi No  
 2022/03 BDS Yes  
 2019/01 Abortion Rights - Liverpool Guild is Pro-Choice! Yes  
 2015/06 Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions No  


Procedural Policy

These policies are proposed by our staff and are approved by the Board of Trustees. These policies related to operational matters and are usually reviewed every three years.

 Code  Title  Area 
 G050 Drugs Policy Licenced Premises
 G065 Door Entry Policy Licenced Premises
 G068 Search Policy Licenced Premises
 G027 Health & Safety Policy Health & Safety
 G046 Disciplinary Procedure (Members) Governance
 G054 Student Media Policy Membership Services
 G010 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy HR
 G031 Sustainability Policy Sustainability
 G034 Data Protection and Information Security Policy Governance
 G074 Ethical Investment and Exclusions Policy SRO


Guild Exclusions Policy

The Guild has a policy for decisions relating to those organisations it does not wish to engage into partnerships, investments or commercial media sales agreements with whether for political, ethical, moral or organisational integrity reasons.

Those exclusions which are based on positional policy above will lapse with those policies.

Those exclusions which have not previously been subject to student opinion (i.e. those listed on the date of approval) will be reviewed in line with the policy review, after which they will remain in place until challenged via the democratic process.

Policy Precedent

These are old policies which have expired, but are kept here to provide a non-binding indicator of student opinion.

 Code  Title  Lapsed 
 2019/02 Single-use Water Bottles December 2022
 2019/01 Abortion Rights - Liverpool Guild is Pro-Choice! March 2022
 2018/01 Support Our Staff - stop attacks on pensions February 2021
 2017/02 Shuttle buses during strike days November 2020
 2016/03 Safe Taxis Policy March 2019
 2016/02 Accomodation for Commuters November 2019
 2016/02 NUS National Ballot (NSS) December 2016
 2016/01 Affordable Gym & AU Membership May 2019
 2015/06 BDS December 2018
 2015/05 Student Parking November 2018
 2015/04 Protest Against Fees and Cuts November 2018
 2015/03 Fossil Fuel Divestment November 2018
 2015/02 Frack Free Zone November 2018
 2014/01 Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment December 2017
 2013/03 Internationalisation Policy May 2016
 2013/02 Zero Tolerance to Homophobia February 2016
 2013/01 Equal Marriage Policy February 2016
 2012/04 Peer Mentoring Policy May 2015
 2012/03 International Students Policy May 2015
 2012/02 Gender Neutral Policy May 2015
 2012/01 Teaching Quality Policy May 2015
 2011/06 University Accomodation Policy August 2014
 2011/05 Human Rights in a Globally Connected University August 2014
 2011/04 Hidden Course Costs August 2014
 2011/03 Group Work Policy August 2014
 2011/02 Equality Monitoring in Higher Education Policy August 2014
 2011/01 Developing a Student Centred Culture within Liverpool University August 2014


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