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Physics Course Rep Elections:

Transferring to a different course 

You may feel like you have chosen the wrong course and want to transfer to a different programme of study, either within your School or in a completely different area of the University. 

Transferring course is a very big decision so make sure that you take the time to talk about it and find out what your options are.  

  • First and foremost do your research. Have a look to see what other courses interest you and make sure you understand the course content and what will be required from you 
  • You should speak to your department. Your Academic Adviser (personal tutor) will be able to meet with you to talk through your choice 
  • You should also speak to the department that offers the course you would like to transfer to. If you visit their departmental office they will be able to provide you with information on the course to help you make an informed decision. They will also inform you of any conditions you need to fulfil in order to take the course i.e. starting the course from first year 
  • You can speak to the University Career Service. A careers adviser can help you decide whether transferring will be the best for you in terms of your future career options 
  • You can also come and speak to a Guild Adviser who can talk through your decision and the process of transferring courses with you 
  • If Student Finance pays your tuition fees, you will need to speak to them for advice before transferring to confirm that your funding will continue after you change your course. You can speak to the Money advice and guidance team if you have any questions. 
  • If you are an international student you should also speak to International advice and guidance Team for advice on any changes a course transfer may have on your visa. 

How to transfer  

Once you have made your decision you will need to complete a “Transfer between programmes” form, which can be downloaded from the University website.  This will then need to be signed by your current department and your new course’s department.  

You will also need to let Student Finance know that you are transferring courses so that all the information they have about you is up to date and you are funded correctly.  


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