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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Plan

We will ensure all of our students and staff feel they belong and find their place in our diverse and inclusive community.


Ensuring our staff and members all feel equally supported, welcomed and included and that the Guild proactively seeks to remove barriers to participation across all of its activities and areas of work and that our staff team more closely reflects our community.

Our vision for EDI Excellence will be achieved by delivering the following goals

  • A programme of EDI learning and development is rolled out across the organisation from expert providers to ensure that all staff are able to advocate for Race Equity across the organisation
  • All staff who are on interview panels receive high quality unconscious bias/equality recruitment training
  • All BAME career staff are offered a mentor and network to join utilising our current links with our Uni, SU region and NUS nationally.
  • Create resources and a bibliography for staff to access.
  • All leaders in the Guild to sign up to the ACEVO race equality principles (Officers, Trustees, Managers, SMT)
  • Gain a more detailed external quality mark/standard around EDI work
  • Align goals with Left Out student’s project led by Student Activities team (has own detailed project plan). Set annual goals, do annual data mining exercise to fully map engagement.
  • Join Anthony Walker trust as a Tier 1 member.
  • Map barriers to make sure we know why our members do not engage
  • Ensure all EDI actions picked up each year from officer plans and given resource via CEO taking oversight to prioritise and drive work streams.Embed ‘More than and month’ calendar into annual Guild activity – produce good records of activity each year to avoid ‘reset button effect’, set planning cycle into calendar and resource accordingly
  • Allocate champions in each directorate. Ask for volunteers to step forward and invite to Staffing committee and EDI working group.
  • Review and refresh of all policies relating to EDI
  • Targeted advertising for Guild jobs
  • Internal targets set to make a positive change in mirroring our members and communities in every area of the Guild by widening our diversity
  • Guaranteed interview scheme.
  • Continue diversity work around officer election candidates
  • Devise an EDI toolkit for Staff and students’ leaders.
  • Recruit an Edi Role
  • Budget for students to run diverse activity and support for campaigns

We will measure our success by seeing:

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