5 things I wish I knew when looking for a student house

Guild AdviceStudent HousesStudent Tips

It’s coming around to that time of year when the questions surrounding student housing are floating around. This can set in panic for many students who often have little guidance. Searching, viewing and securing accommodation can be a very daunting experience, but we are here to help! Below are five things I wish I knew when looking for a student house:


1. Don’t rush – We see it every year. As soon as the leaves turn brown, there’s a dash to find and secure your next student house. However, there is no need to rush. Take your time through the process.


2. Look around different options – There are so many different student accommodation options all around Smithdown, Kensington and in the town centre. From houses, flats and studios, there are a variety of living arrangements to choose from. Have a look at different options and see which one you prefer.


3. Consider house dynamics – Who you live is an important factor when considering your next student house. You will be spending a lot of time with these people so you should think carefully about who you want this to be.


4. Look for deposit schemes – Deposit schemes are there to protect you. This is extremely important at the end of your tenancy when you leave your property. The deposit schemes is there to ensure return of deposit from your landlord when you leave the property. Ask the landlord at your next viewing if they use any scheme.


5. Get your contract looked over – Contracts are legally binding documents with your landlord. Firstly, make sure you are happy with the property and living arrangements. Then have your contract looked over. The Guild offer advisory service where they will look over housing contracts. This will check for any unfair terms and agreements before signing it. To use this service email guildadvice@liverpool.ac.uk .


Although looking for accommodation can be nerving, it can be an exciting experience. There are also resources you are able to use to help on your journey through Guild Advice and Liverpool Student Homes. The route to finding your next home might not be straightforward however please don’t worry there is still time!