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LUST's production of Spring Awakening!

Spring Awakening is a 2006 musical based on a 1906 play that remains relevant to this day. The key themes of ignorance, coming of age, and sexual exploration feature prominently throughout the show - showing that these are issues that have pervaded society throughout the annals of time and will be forever present in our lives. Please be aware Spring Awakening tackles a number of difficult topics; this production presents scenes of a sexual nature - including depictions of sexual violence and rape - suicide, references to abortion , domestic abuse, and strong language.

Other warnings: A haze machine will be used during the show - for any light sensitive viewers. 


If you buy this ticket online via the Guild website, you will be charged a booking fee of 1.5% per ticket, plus a 30p surcharge. If you buy this ticket via Guild Reception Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, you will not be charged a booking fee or a surcharge, and you can pay with cash.