Unlocked: A role with a difference.

💡Have you got big ideas to make UoL and the Guild a better place?

Every year, University of Liverpool students vote for the 4 Student Officers they want to represent them.

We’re looking for UoL students to take on the role of a lifetime, becoming one of the most influential students on campus, shaping your uni experience and making change on the issues that matter most.

Nominations are open now

Elections Timeline

Nominations Period - 9am on 27th January – 10am on 24th February

Your chance to get to know all about the role of an Officer + submit your nomination

Candidate Compulsory Briefing - 25th February at 4pm

Find out all the key info on being an official Elections candidate.

Candidate Training - 26th February from 1pm

Our Elections experts get candidates Vote Week ready! From designing your assets to tips on campaigning.

Elections Launch - 12th March from 1pm

Lights, camera, elections; meet our candidates as they are officially launched

Vote Week - 17th-21st March

The main event! Your time to shine + get out there canvassing for votes as campus has their say on who leads the Guild. Ending with a Results Night celebration, where the new team will be announced.

The Role

Elected every year by UoL students, our four Student Officers work full time at the Guild to be the voice of students, run campaigns, support activities and bring your ideas to life, making sure the wider community can hear your voices loud and clear.

Forget an interview, to become one of our Student Officers, you will stand in our Student Officer Election, campaigning for students’ votes with a manifesto of your big ideas to improve your student experience.

Thinking about it? Find out how the role works for you in our Elections Quick Guides.

Read the full job description here.

If you have any questions or wish to have an informal chat about the role, please get in touch with us at: democracy@liverpool.ac.uk

Day in the Life of a Student Officer: What do they get up to

  • 📢 Attend University Committees to represent YOU
  • ✨Meet with Guild experts; from events to student voice and marketing to finance, to bring their manifesto ideas to life
  • 💬 Replying to emails, team messages and developing your professional skills
  • 📝 Big Decision time: Attend Guild Board meetings to make decision on strategic change
  • 🗣️ Get chatting: Work on a campaign stall to get student feedback & lots more!

What skills do you need?

  • 🧠Empathy
  • ⭐Passion
  • 👂Good listener
  • 👋Approachable
  • 💚Understanding
  • 🔓Inclusive
  • These are just a few of the qualities that would make you an amazing Student Officer.
  • Ready to take on the challenge? Nominate yourself now by 10am on Monday 24th February.

Your Nomination Checklist

  1. Read our Elections guide and get to know the role
  2. Come along to an Info session to find out more and ask any questions
  3. Get thinking of your big ideas to make UoL a better place
  4. Submit your nomination by 10am on Monday 24th February
Nominate yourself now


Are you interested but not sure if it’s the role for you? Come along to one of our Candidate Info Sessions to ask all your questions.

Candidate Info Session
21st February 2pm - 3pm
Elizabeth Gidney 1 Room, The Guild
Find out more about running to be a Student Officer!
Leadership Program | Guild | Democracy or Student Voice | Democracy or Student Voice | Elections | Student Leadership Programme | Student Leaders Conference

Recommend a friend

Do you know someone who is a great listener, empathetic, has great ideas to improve the student experience? Give them a push in the Student Officer direction and recommend them for the role. Click here to recommend a friend.

Elections FAQs

Want to know more about the role of a Student Officer or running in the election? We’ve got you covered. Find all of our most frequently asked questions below.

What is a Student Officer?

A Student Officer is a democratically elected representative for the students at a University. They oversee the running of the Students’ Union; setting our priorities and working to improve the lives of students. They work on campaigns, represent the student voice as well as sitting on the Guild’s Board of Trustees (with the President chairing this). The four Officers are paid a salary and work full-time with us for one year. Current Officers have the option to run again for a second year (with a max 2 years in office).

Why should I run?

90% of our candidates would recommend running in our Elections to a friend, regardless of the outcome. Some of the reasons are:

  • Meet + learn from a wide range of different people
  • Gain valuable skills + experience: from campaigning to confidence + communication
  • Speak to hundreds of students + learn about what they care about
  • Build your knowledge of how SUs + the University work
  • It also appears on your HEAR Award when you graduate

What will I need to do as a candidate?

As part of your elections campaign, you’d need to do the following

  1. Submit a 300-word written manifesto
  2. Make designs for campaign artwork
  3. Speak to students about why they should vote for you
  4. Optional: create a campaign video 

We equip you with all the knowledge and skills you need to be a candidate as part of our post-nominations training programme.
In being a candidate, you’re committing to dedicating time to run an Elections Campaign.  We try to keep this commitment as low as possible, to make sure everyone can take part. If you have concerns about if this would be manageable for you, please get in touch. 

Can I run?

Can I run if I am graduating this year?

Yes! Any student at any level of study who is a full member of the Guild can run for the role, whether a first year, final year, post-graduate etc. If you aren’t due to graduate, you can take a sabbatical year to serve as an Officer.

What happens if I’m in the middle of my degree?

If you’re not graduating this year and get elected, you’ll pause your studies for a year to serve as an Officer. Like a year abroad or a year in industry, you’ll return to your degree once your sabbatical is over.

Can I run if I’m an international student?

You must be eligible to work in the UK and a full member of the Guild to run for the role. If you are an international student and want to find out more about how running might affect your Visa etc, please come to our International Students Info Session during nominations, where a member of the International Advice + Guidance team will be able to answer specific questions about this – you can also contact them for advice directly at iagteam@liverpool.ac.uk.

How does the Election work?

Guild Elections use the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system, which means the election is preferential. Voters rank as many candidates as they choose, in the order they like them best. All candidates run for the same position – Guild President, and the ‘top’ 4 candidates are elected in order: President, Deputy President, & two Vice Presidents. You can decline the President role if you wish – this would then be offered to the candidate with the second highest number of votes. You can learn more about how STV works here.

Have any other questions?

You can contact our Elections team at democracy@liverpool.ac.uk, who will be happy to chat about the role and answer any queries you may have.

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